Doctoral studies | more » |
Addictology  |
Administrative Law and Administrative Science  |
Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic  |
Analytical Chemistry  |
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology  |
Animal Physiology  |
Anthropology  |
Anthropology and Human Genetics  |
Applied and Landscape Ecology  |
Applied Ethics  |
Applied Geology  |
Art Education  |
Biochemistry  |
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry  |
Bioethics  |
Biomechanics  |
Biomedical Informatics  |
Bioorganic Chemistry  |
Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics  |
Botany  |
Business Law  |
Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing  |
Chemistry Education  |
Civil Law (Civil Procedure, Family Law, Intellectual Property Law)  |
Clinical and Social Pharmacy  |
Clinical Biochemistry  |
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy  |
Clinical Pharmacy  |
Clinical Psychology  |
Computer Graphics and Image Analysis  |
Constitutional Law and Politics  |
Demography  |
Dermatovenerology  |
Developmental and Cell Biology  |
Developmental Biology  |
Didactics of Chemistry  |
Didactics of Mathematics  |
Discrete Models and Algorithms  |
Ecology  |
Economics  |
Economics and Econometrics  |
Economics and Finance  |
Education in Biology  |
Educational Psychology  |
Employment Law and Social Security Law  |
English and American Literature  |
English Language  |
Environmental Law  |
Environmental Studies  |
Ethnology  |
Experimental Surgery  |
General Anthropology  |
General Issues in Geography  |
General psychology  |
General Questions of Mathematics and Information Science  |
Geology  |
Geometry, Topology, Global Analysis and General Structures  |
Geophysics  |
Gerontology  |
Gynaecology and Obstetrics  |
Historical Sociology  |
Historical Theology and Theology of Religions  |
History of Czech Literature and Literary Theory  |
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology  |
Hygiene and Preventive Medicine  |
Hygiene, Preventive Medicine  |
Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology  |
Imaging Methods in Medicine  |
Immunology  |
Information Science  |
Inorganic Chemistry  |
Internal Diseases  |
International Area Studies  |
International Law  |
International Relations  |
Jewish Studies  |
Jewish Studies  |
Kinanthropology  |
Logic  |
Macromolecular Chemistry  |
Mathematical Analysis  |
Mathematical and Computer Modelling  |
Mathematical Linguistics  |
Media and Communication Studies  |
Medical Biology  |
Medical Biophysics  |
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry  |
Medical Immunology  |
Medical Microbiology  |
Medical Pharmacology  |
Medical Psychology and Psychopathology  |
Meteorology and Climatology  |
Microbiology  |
Modeling of Chemical Properties of Nano- and Biostructures  |
Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology  |
Neurology  |
Neurology and Psychiatry  |
Neurosciences  |
Nuclear Physics  |
Numerical and Computational Mathematics  |
Oncology  |
Organic Chemistry  |
Orthopaedics  |
Otorhinolaryngology  |
Parasitology  |
Pathology  |
Pedagogy  |
Pediatrics  |
Pharmaceutical Analysis  |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry  |
Pharmacognosy and Toxicology of Natural Compounds  |
Pharmacology and Toxicology  |
Philosophy  |
Physical Chemistry  |
Physical Geography and Geoecology  |
Physics Education and General Problems of Physics  |
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research  |
Physics of Nanostructures  |
Physics of Plasma and Ionized Media  |
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces  |
Physiology and Pathological Physiology  |
Plant Anatomy and Physiology  |
Politology  |
Preventive Medicine  |
Private International Law and International Trade Law  |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics  |
Probability and Statistics, Econometrics and Financial Mathematics  |
Psychiatry  |
Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics  |
Radiology  |
Regional and Political Geography  |
Religious Studies  |
Romance languages  |
Romance Literatures  |
Social Geography and Regional Development  |
Social Medicine  |
Social psychology  |
Social Work  |
Sociology  |
Software Systems  |
Special Pedagogy  |
Stomatology  |
Surgery  |
Systematic and Practical Theology  |
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology  |
Theoretical Computer Science  |
Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics  |
Toxicology of Natural Products  |
Translatology  |
Zoology  |
Adiktologie: Specializace ve zdravotnictví  |
Andragogika  |
Anglický jazyk a literatura s didaktikou  |
Anglofonní literatury a kultury  |
Aplikovaná geologie se zaměřeními  |
Aplikovaná lingvistika se zaměřením na didaktiku jazyka  |
Archeologie pravěku a středověku  |
Biblická teologie  |
Bioanalytická chemie  |
Bioanalytické metody  |
Biologie a patologie buňky  |
Blízkovýchodní studia  |
Částicová a jaderná fyzika  |
České a československé dějiny  |
České dějiny  |
Český jazyk  |
Církevní a obecné dějiny  |
Dějiny a kultury Asie  |
Dějiny a kultury zemí Asie a Afriky  |
Dějiny antické civilizace  |
Dějiny antického starověku  |
Dějiny křesťanského umění  |
Dějiny lékařství  |
Dějiny výtvarného umění  |
Didaktika českého jazyka  |
Didaktika dějepisu  |
Didaktika geografie  |
Didaktika konkrétního jazyka  |
Didaktika výtvarné výchovy  |
Divadelní věda  |
Egyptologie  |
Environmentální vědy  |
Estetika  |
Etnologie a kulturní antropologie  |
Evropské právo  |
Experimentální biologie rostlin  |
Farmaceutická technologie  |
Farmakognosie  |
Farmakognosie a nutraceutika  |
Filmová věda  |
Filozofie a dějiny přírodních věd  |
Filozofie náboženství  |
Filozofie výchovy a vzdělávání  |
Finanční právo a finanční věda  |
Fonetika  |
Fyzika atmosféry, meteorologie a klimatologie  |
Fyzika nanostruktur a nanomateriálů  |
Fyzika Země a planet  |
Geoinformatika, kartografie a dálkový průzkum Země  |
Geologie se zaměřeními  |
Geometrie, topologie, a globální analýza  |
Germanoslavistika  |
Germánské a severské jazyky a literatury  |
Germánské jazyky  |
Germánské jazyky a literatury  |
Germánské literatury  |
Historická a systematická teologie  |
Historie - obecné dějiny  |
Historie ve veřejném prostoru  |
Hudební teorie a pedagogika  |
Hudební věda  |
Husitská teologie  |
Iberoamerikanistika  |
Informatika - Softwarové systémy  |
Informatika - teorie, diskrétní modely a optimalizace  |
Informatika - Vizuální výpočty a počítačové hry  |
Integrální studium člověka - Obecná antropologie  |
Jazyky zemí Asie a Afriky  |
Kardiovaskulární vědy  |
Katolická teologie  |
Kineziologie a rehabilitace  |
Klasická archeologie  |
Klasická filologie  |
Klinická psychologie a psychologie zdraví  |
Korpusová a teoretická lingvistika  |
Kulturologie  |
Latinská medievistika a novolatinská studia  |
Lékařská biologie a genetika  |
Mediální studia  |
Moderní dějiny  |
Moderní hospodářské a sociální dějiny  |
Německá a francouzská filozofie  |
Německý jazyk a literatura s didaktikou  |
Nutriční a metabolické vědy  |
Obecná a srovnávací literatura (komparatistika)  |
Obecná geografie  |
Obecná lingvistika  |
Oční lékařství  |
Patobiochemie a xenobiochemie  |
Pedagogická a školní psychologie  |
Pomocné vědy historické  |
Praktická a ekumenická teologie a teologická etika  |
Pravěká a středověká archeologie  |
Právní dějiny a římské právo  |
Preventivní medicína a epidemiologie  |
Psychologie práce a organizace  |
Sémiotika a filozofie komunikace  |
Slovanské filologie  |
Slovanské literatury  |
Sociální ekologie  |
Sociální psychologie a psychologie práce  |
Soudobé evropské dějiny  |
Soudobé evropské kulturní dějiny  |
Studia dlouhověkosti  |
Studia občanského sektoru  |
Subjaderná fyzika  |
Teoretická informatika a umělá inteligence  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Evropské právo  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Finanční právo a finanční věda  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Mezinárodní právo  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Mezinárodní právo soukromé a právo mezinárodního obchodu  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Občanské právo  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Obchodní právo  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Pracovní právo a právo sociálního zabezpečení  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Právní dějiny a římské právo  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Právo životního prostředí  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Správní právo a správní věda  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Teorie, filozofie a sociologie práva  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Trestní právo, kriminologie a kriminalistika  |
Teoretické právní vědy - Ústavní právo a státověda  |
Teorie a dějiny literatur zemí Asie a Afriky  |
Teorie, filozofie a sociologie práva  |
Trestní právo, kriminologie a kriminalistika  |
Učitelství - Didaktika dějepisu  |
Vědecko-technické výpočty  |
Veřejná a sociální politika  |
Veřejné zdravotnictví  |
Xenobiochemie a patobiochemie  |
Zpracování dat a matematické modelování v přírodních vědách  |
Biblical Studies  |
Modern European History  |
Musicology  |
Philosophy  |
Special Education  |
Deutsch und Slawistik  |
Deutsche Sprache und Literatur mit Didaktik  |
Deutsche und französische Philosophie  |
Europäische Kulturzeitgeschichte  |
Germanische und skandinavische Sprachen und Literaturen  |
Geschichte der tschechischen Literatur und der Literaturtheorie  |
Historische und Systematische Theologie  |
Hussitische Theologie  |
Kirchen und Allgemeine Geschichte  |
Philosophie der Religion  |
Praktische und Ökumenische Theologie und theologische Ethik  |
Addiction: Specialization in Health Care  |
Addictology  |
Administrative Law and Administrative Science  |
Aesthetics  |
Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic  |
Algebra, Theory of Numbers and Mathematical Logic  |
Analytical Chemistry  |
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology  |
Ancient History  |
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures  |
Animal Physiology  |
Anthropology  |
Anthropology and Human Genetics  |
Applied Ethics  |
Applied Geology  |
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching  |
Archaeology of Prehistory and Middle Ages  |
Area Studies  |
Art Education  |
Asian History and Culture  |
Atmospheric physics, meteorology and climatology  |
Auxiliary Historical Sciences  |
Biblical studies  |
Biblical Theology  |
Bioanalytical Chemistry  |
Bioanalytical methods  |
Biochemistry  |
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry  |
Bioethics  |
Biomechanics  |
Biomedical Informatics  |
Bioorganic Chemistry  |
Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics  |
Botany  |
Business Law  |
Cardiovascular Science  |
Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing  |
Cell Biology and Pathology  |
Church and General History  |
Civil Law (Civil Procedure, Family Law, Intellectual Property Law)  |
Civil Sector Studies  |
Classical Archaeology  |
Classical Philology  |
Clinical and Health Psychology  |
Clinical and Social Pharmacy  |
Clinical Biochemistry  |
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy  |
Clinical Pharmacy  |
Computational linguistics  |
Computational mathematics  |
Computer Graphics and Image Analysis  |
Computer Science - Software Systems  |
Computer Science - Theory of Computing, Discrete Models and Optimization  |
Computer Science - Visual computing and computer games  |
Constitutional Law and Politics  |
Contemporary European Cultural History  |
Contemporary European History  |
Corpus and Theoretical Linguistics  |
Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminalistics  |
Czech and Czechoslovak History  |
Czech History  |
Czech Language  |
Demography  |
Dentistry  |
Dermatology  |
Dermatovenerology  |
Developmental and Cell Biology  |
Didactics of Art Education  |
Didactics of Chemistry  |
Didactics of Geography  |
Didactics of Mathematics  |
Discrete Models and Algorithms  |
Ecology  |
Economics  |
Economics and Econometrics  |
Economics and Finance  |
Education  |
Educational and School Psychology  |
Educational Psychology  |
Egyptology  |
Employment Law and Social Security Law  |
English and American Literature  |
English Language  |
English Language and Literature in a Didactic Perspective  |
Environmental Law  |
Environmental Science  |
Environmental Studies  |
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology  |
European Joint Doctorate Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges (EJD MOVES)  |
European Law  |
Experimental Plant Biology  |
Experimental Surgery  |
Film Studies  |
Financial Law and Financial Science  |
Financial Law and Politics  |
General and Comparative Literature  |
General Anthropology  |
General Antropology  |
General Geography  |
General Issues in Geography  |
General Linguistics  |
General Questions of Mathematics and Computer Science  |
General Questions of Mathematics and Information Science  |
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing  |
Geology  |
Geometry, topology, and global analysis  |
Geometry, Topology, Global Analysis and General Structures  |
Geophysics  |
Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures  |
Gerontology  |
Gynaecology and Obstetrics  |
Historical and Systematic Theology  |
Historical Sociology  |
Historical Theology and Theology of Religions  |
History of Ancient Civilization  |
History of Christian Art  |
History of Czech Literature and Literary Theory  |
History of Law and Roman Law  |
History of Medicine  |
History of Visual Arts  |
History/General History  |
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology  |
Hussite Theology  |
Hygiena, preventivní lékařství a epidemiologie  |
Hygiene and Preventive Medicine  |
Hygiene, Preventive Medicine  |
Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology  |
Ibero-American Studies  |
Imaging Methods in Medicine  |
Immunology  |
Information Science  |
Inorganic Chemistry  |
Internal Medicine  |
International Law  |
International Relations  |
Jewish Studies  |
Katolická teologie  |
Kinanthropology  |
Kinesiology and Rehabilitation  |
Languages of Asia and Africa  |
Lékařská mikrobiologie  |
Logic  |
Longevity Studies  |
Macromolecular chemistry  |
Mathematical Analysis  |
Mathematical and computer modeling  |
Mathematical and Computer Modelling  |
Mathematical Linguistics  |
Mathematics Education  |
Media and Communication Studies  |
Medical Biology  |
Medical Biology and Genetics  |
Medical Biophysics  |
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry  |
Medical Immunology  |
Medical Microbiology  |
Medical Pharmacology  |
Medical Psychology and Psychopathology  |
Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies  |
Meteorology and Climatology  |
Microbiology  |
Middle Eastern Studies  |
Mikrobiology  |
Modeling of Chemical Properties of Nano-and Biostructures  |
Modelling of Chemical Properties on Nano- and Biostructures  |
Modern Economic and Social History  |
Modern history  |
Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology  |
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology  |
Music Theory and Education  |
Musical Theory and Education  |
Musicology  |
Neurology  |
Neurology and Psychiatry  |
Neurosciences  |
Nuclear Physics  |
Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences  |
Oncology  |
Ophthalmology  |
Organic Chemistry  |
Orthopaedics  |
Otorhinolaryngology  |
Paediatrics  |
Parasitology  |
Particle and Nuclear Physics  |
Pathobiochemistry and Xenobiochemistry  |
Pathological Anatomy  |
Pathology  |
Pediatrics  |
Pharmaceutical Analysis  |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry  |
Pharmaceutical Technology  |
Pharmacognosy  |
Pharmacognosy and Nutraceuticals  |
Pharmacognosy and Toxicology of Natural Compounds  |
Pharmacology and Toxicology  |
Philosophy  |
Philosophy and History of Science  |
Philosophy of Education  |
Philosophy of Religion  |
Phonetics  |
Physical Chemistry  |
Physical Geography and Geoecology  |
Physics Education and General Problems of Physics  |
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research  |
Physics of Nanostructures  |
Physics of nanostructures and nanomaterials  |
Physics of Plasma and Ionized Media  |
Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media  |
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces  |
Physics of the Earth and Planets  |
Physiology and Pathological Physiology  |
Plant Anatomy and Physiology  |
Political Science  |
Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics  |
Preventive Medicine  |
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology  |
Private International Law and International Trade Law  |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics  |
Probability and Statistics, Econometrics and Financial Mathematics  |
Psychiatry  |
Public and Social Policy  |
Public History  |
Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics  |
Radiology  |
Regional and Political Geography  |
Religious Studies  |
Romance Languages  |
Romance Literatures  |
Scientific and Technical Calculations  |
Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication  |
Slavic Literature Studies  |
Social Ecology  |
Social Geography and Regional Development  |
Social Medicine  |
Social Psychology and Psychology of Work  |
Social Work  |
Sociology  |
Software Systems  |
Special Education  |
Subnuclear Physics  |
Surgery  |
Systematic and Practical Theology  |
Teaching - History Education  |
Text and Event in Early Modern Europe  |
Theatre Studies  |
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology  |
Theoretical Computer Science  |
Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence  |
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Law and Legal Theory in European Context  |
Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics  |
Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law  |
Toxicology of Natural Products  |
Translation Studies  |
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry  |
Zoology  |
Phonetics  |
Philosophies allemande et française  |
Sémiotique et Philosophie de la communication  |
Traductologie  |
Katolická teologie  |
Teologia cattolica  |
Germanoslavistika  |
Slavjanskije filologii  |
Slavjanskije litěratury  |
Charles University was founded in 1348, making it one of the oldest universities in the world. Yet it is also renowned as a modem, dynamic, cosmopolitan and prestigious institution of higher education. It is the largest and most renowned Czech university, and is also the best-rated Czech university according to international rankings. There are currently 17 faculties at the University (14 in Prague, 2 in Hradec Králové and 1 in Plzeň), plus 3 institutes, 6 other centres of teaching, research, development and other creative activities, a centre providing information services, 5 facilities serving the whole University, and the Rectorate - which is the executive management body for the whole University.
The key priority of Charles University is to continue to enhance its prestigious status as a research university. To achieve this aim, the University focuses strongly on research activities. Charles University can boast a number of outstanding research teams which are involved in close collaboration with international research institutions. Students can also become involved in the University’s research work at each of the individual faculties. The University is the best-performing research institution in the Czech Republic; this is reflected in the analyses of research output carried out by the Czech Research, Development and Innovation Council. Having amassed almost half a million points for its research activities (according to the current national research assessment methods), Charles University is far ahead of the institution occupying second place.
For many years Charles University has been keen to incorporate the results of its research and development work into its teaching, and to ensure the greatest possible involvement of research staff and students in Czech and international projects. The success of the University’s research policy is reflected in rankings based on research achievement, which demonstrate that the University can compete strongly with many prestigious institutions outside the Czech Republic. Charles University staff have participated in a range of major international research projects – including the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) programme. The University’s world-class research teams include (to name but one) the internationally renowned Czech Institute of Egyptology.
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2011–2012 ranked Charles University in 305th place among its five hundred ranked universities, making it the only Czech university to feature in the top five hundred.
The Academic Ranking of World Universities - the “Shanghai League”, which every year compares more than 1,000 of the world’s best universities (selected from a total of over 17,000 institutions), has repeatedly included Charles University in the third hundred, i.e. among the 2 per cent top universities in the world and one of the 100 best universities in Europe.