Ljubljana, Slovenia

University of Ljubljana

Univerza v Ljubljani

University type: universities
University status: public


Kongresni trg 12
1000 Ljubljana
tel: ++ 386 1 241 85 00

AdministrationStudies in Slovene
Administrative Information SystemsStudies in Slovene
Agriculture - AgronomyStudies in Slovene
Agriculture – Agronomy and HorticultureStudies in Slovene
Agriculture – Animal HusbandryStudies in Slovene
Agriculture – Animal ProductionStudies in Slovene
Analytical SociologyStudies in Slovene
Applicative Electrical EngineeringStudies in Slovene
ArchaeologyStudies in Slovene
ArchitectureStudies in Slovene
Athletic TrainingStudies in Slovene
BiochemistryStudies in Slovene
BiologyStudies in Slovene
BiotechnologyStudies in Slovene
BuildingsStudies in Slovene
BusinessStudies in Slovene
Chemical EngineeringStudies in Slovene
Chemical TechnologyStudies in Slovene
ChemistryStudies in Slovene
Chinese StudiesStudies in Slovene
Civil EngineeringStudies in Slovene
Classical and Humanistic StudiesStudies in Slovene
Communications and Public RelationsStudies in Slovene
Comparative LinguisticsStudies in Slovene
Comparative Literature and Literary TheoryStudies in Slovene
Comparative Slavic LinguisticsStudies in Slovene
Computer and Information ScienceStudies in Slovene
Computer Science and MathematicsStudies in Slovene
Conservation and Restoration of Works of ArtStudies in Slovene
Construction ManagementStudies in Slovene
CosmetologyStudies in Slovene
Cultural StudiesStudies in Slovene
Czech StudiesStudies in Slovene
Dental MedicineStudies in Slovene
Design Engineering ProgrammeStudies in Slovene
Dramaturgy and Performing ArtsStudies in Slovene
East Asian CulturesStudies in Slovene
Economics and BusinessStudies in Slovene
Electrical EngineeringStudies in Slovene
English StudiesStudies in Slovene
Ethnology and Cultural AnthropologyStudies in Slovene
European StudiesStudies in Slovene
Film and TelevisionStudies in Slovene
Financial MathematicsStudies in Slovene
Food Science and NutritionStudies in Slovene
ForestryStudies in Slovene
Forestry and Renewable Forest ResourcesStudies in Slovene
French and Romance StudiesStudies in Slovene
French StudiesStudies in Slovene
General LinguisticsStudies in Slovene
Geodesy and GeoinformaticsStudies in Slovene
GeographyStudies in Slovene
GeologyStudies in Slovene
Geotechnology and Mining EngineeringStudies in Slovene
German StudiesStudies in Slovene
Graphic and Interactive CommunicationStudies in Slovene
Graphic and Media TechnologyStudies in Slovene
Greek Language, Literature and CultureStudies in Slovene
HistoryStudies in Slovene
History of ArtStudies in Slovene
Industrial Design and Applied ArtsStudies in Slovene
Industrial GeoengineeringStudies in Slovene
Interlingual CommunicationStudies in Slovene
International RelationsStudies in Slovene
Italian Language and LiteratureStudies in Slovene
Japanese StudiesStudies in Slovene
JournalismStudies in Slovene
KinesiologyStudies in Slovene
Laboratory BiomedicineStudies in Slovene
Laboratory Dental ProstheticsStudies in Slovene
Landscape ArchitectureStudies in Slovene
Latin Language, Literature and CultureStudies in Slovene
LawStudies in Slovene
Librarianship and Information ScienceStudies in Slovene
LiteratureStudies in Slovene
ManagementStudies in Slovene
Marine EngineeringStudies in Slovene
MarketingStudies in Slovene
Materials EngineeringStudies in Slovene
MathematicsStudies in Slovene
Mathematics EducationStudies in Slovene
Mechanical Engineering - Project and ApplicationStudies in Slovene
Mechanical Engineering – Research and Development ProgrammeStudies in Slovene
Media and Communication StudiesStudies in Slovene
MedicineStudies in Slovene
Metallurgical TechnologiesStudies in Slovene
Meteorology with GeophysicsStudies in Slovene
MicrobiologyStudies in Slovene
MidwiferyStudies in Slovene
MultimediaStudies in Slovene
Multimedia CommunicationStudies in Slovene
Music ArtsStudies in Slovene
Music EducationStudies in Slovene
MusicologyStudies in Slovene
Nautical StudiesStudies in Slovene
NursingStudies in Slovene
Occupational TherapyStudies in Slovene
Orthotics and ProstheticsStudies in Slovene
PaintingStudies in Slovene
Pedagogy and AndragogyStudies in Slovene
PharmacyStudies in Slovene
PhilosophyStudies in Slovene
Physical EducationStudies in Slovene
Physical Measurements TechniquesStudies in Slovene
PhysicsStudies in Slovene
PhysiotherapyStudies in Slovene
Planning Textiles and ClothingStudies in Slovene
Polish StudiesStudies in Slovene
Political Science – Policy Analysis and Public AdministrationStudies in Slovene
Political Science – Politics and the StateStudies in Slovene
Practical MathematicsStudies in Slovene
Preschool EducationStudies in Slovene
Primary Teacher EducationStudies in Slovene
PsychologyStudies in Slovene
Radiologic TechnologyStudies in Slovene
Russian StudiesStudies in Slovene
Sanitary EngineeringStudies in Slovene
SculptureStudies in Slovene
Slovak StudiesStudies in Slovene
Slovene StudiesStudies in Slovene
Social InformaticsStudies in Slovene
Social PedagogyStudies in Slovene
Social WorkStudies in Slovene
SociologyStudies in Slovene
Sociology – Human Resources ManagementStudies in Slovene
Sociology of CultureStudies in Slovene
South Slavic StudiesStudies in Slovene
Spanish Studies andStudies in Slovene
Special Education for Visually Impaired and Learning DisabilitiesStudies in Slovene
Special Educational NeedsStudies in Slovene
Speech and Language TherapistStudies in Slovene
Sport RecreationStudies in Slovene
Stage ActingStudies in Slovene
Technical Real EstateStudies in Slovene
Technical SafetyStudies in Slovene
Technologies of Wood and Fibre CompositesStudies in Slovene
Textile and Clothing ProductionStudies in Slovene
Textile and Fashion DesignStudies in Slovene
The Two-subject TeacherStudies in Slovene
Theatre DirectingStudies in Slovene
Theological and Religious StudiesStudies in Slovene
Theological StudiesStudies in Slovene
TheologyStudies in Slovene
Traffic TechnologyStudies in Slovene
Traffic Technology and Transport LogisticsStudies in Slovene
UrbanismStudies in Slovene
Veterinary MedicineStudies in Slovene
Visual Art EducationStudies in Slovene
Visual Communication DesignStudies in Slovene
Water Management and Environmental EngineeringStudies in Slovene
West Slavic StudiesStudies in Slovene
Wood TechnologyStudies in Slovene

Accounting and AuditingStudies in Slovene
AdministrationStudies in Slovene
AgronomyStudies in Slovene
Animal ScienceStudies in Slovene
Applied StatisticsStudies in Slovene
ArchitectureStudies in Slovene
Arts TherapyStudies in Slovene
Athletic TrainingStudies in Slovene
Bank and Financial ManagementStudies in Slovene
BiochemistryStudies in Slovene
Biology EducationStudies in Slovene
BiotechnologyStudies in Slovene
BuildingsStudies in Slovene
Business AdministrationStudies in Slovene
Business InformaticsStudies in Slovene
Business LogisticsStudies in Slovene
Chemical EducationStudies in Slovene
Chemical EngineeringStudies in Slovene
ChemistryStudies in Slovene
Civil EngineeringStudies in Slovene
Communication ScienceStudies in Slovene
Community Mental HealthStudies in Slovene
Computer and Information ScienceStudies in Slovene
Computer Science and MathematicsStudies in Slovene
Conservation/Restoration of Paintings and Polychrome Plastic MaterialStudies in Slovene
Cultural Studies – Studies in Culture and ReligionStudies in Slovene
Defence StudiesStudies in Slovene
Dental MedicineStudies in Slovene
Development StudiesStudies in Slovene
DiplomacyStudies in Slovene
Dramaturgy and Performing ArtsStudies in Slovene
Ecology and BiodiversityStudies in Slovene
EconomicsStudies in Slovene
Educational PhysicsStudies in Slovene
Educational PoliciesStudies in Slovene
Electrical EngineeringStudies in Slovene
EntrepreneurshipStudies in Slovene
Environmental Civil EngineeringStudies in Slovene
Ethnic StudiesStudies in Slovene
European Social Policy AnalysisStudies in Slovene
European StudiesStudies in Slovene
Film and Television ArtsStudies in Slovene
Film and Television StudiesStudies in Slovene
Financial MathematicsStudies in Slovene
Food Science and TechnologyStudies in Slovene
Forestry and Forest Ecosystem ManagementStudies in Slovene
Geodesy and GeoinformationStudies in Slovene
GeologyStudies in Slovene
GeophysicsStudies in Slovene
GeotechnologyStudies in Slovene
Graphic and Interactive CommunicationStudies in Slovene
HorticultureStudies in Slovene
Industrial and Applied ArtsStudies in Slovene
Industrial PharmacyStudies in Slovene
Instrumental and Vocal EducationStudies in Slovene
International BusinessStudies in Slovene
International RelationsStudies in Slovene
Journalism StudiesStudies in Slovene
KinesiologyStudies in Slovene
Laboratory BiomedicineStudies in Slovene
Landscape ArchitectureStudies in Slovene
LawStudies in Slovene
ManagementStudies in Slovene
Management and Economics of Health and Social CareStudies in Slovene
Management of Public and Non-profit OrganizationsStudies in Slovene
Marital and Family StudiesStudies in Slovene
Maritime StudiesStudies in Slovene
MarketingStudies in Slovene
Mathematical StatisticsStudies in Slovene
MathematicsStudies in Slovene
Mathematics EducationStudies in Slovene
Mechanical EngineeringStudies in Slovene
Media and LawStudies in Slovene
Medical PhysicsStudies in Slovene
MedicineStudies in Slovene
Metallurgy and MaterialsStudies in Slovene
MicrobiologyStudies in Slovene
Molecular and Functional BiologyStudies in Slovene
Molecular BiologyStudies in Slovene
Money and FinanceStudies in Slovene
Museum EducationStudies in Slovene
Music ArtsStudies in Slovene
Music EducationStudies in Slovene
Music Theory EducationStudies in Slovene
Natural Resource EconomicsStudies in Slovene
Nuclear EngineeringStudies in Slovene
NursingStudies in Slovene
NutritionStudies in Slovene
PaintingStudies in Slovene
PharmacyStudies in Slovene
Physical EducationStudies in Slovene
PhysicsStudies in Slovene
PhysiotherapyStudies in Slovene
Planning Textiles and ClothingStudies in Slovene
Political Science - Balkan StudiesStudies in Slovene
Political Science - Policy Analysis and Public AdministrationStudies in Slovene
Political Science - Political TheoryStudies in Slovene
Preschool EducationStudies in Slovene
Protection of Natural HeritageStudies in Slovene
Public RelationsStudies in Slovene
Quantitative Finance and Actuarial SciencesStudies in Slovene
Radiologic TechnologyStudies in Slovene
Religious Studies and EthicsStudies in Slovene
Sanitary EngineeringStudies in Slovene
Scene DesignStudies in Slovene
SculptureStudies in Slovene
Security StudiesStudies in Slovene
Social Inclusion and Justice in the Field of Handicap, Ethnicity and GenderStudies in Slovene
Social InformaticsStudies in Slovene
Social PedagogyStudies in Slovene
Social WorkStudies in Slovene
Social Work with the ElderlyStudies in Slovene
Social Work with the FamilyStudies in Slovene
SociologyStudies in Slovene
Sociology - Management of Organizations, Human Resources and KnowledgeStudies in Slovene
Spatial PlanningStudies in Slovene
Special and Rehabilitation PedagogyStudies in Slovene
Speech and Language TherapyStudies in Slovene
Speech FormsStudies in Slovene
Sport ManagementStudies in Slovene
Stage ActingStudies in Slovene
Strategic Marketing CommunicationsStudies in Slovene
Structural and Functional BiologyStudies in Slovene
Supervision, Personal and Organisational CounselingStudies in Slovene
Teacher EducationStudies in Slovene
Technical SafetyStudies in Slovene
Textile and Fashion DesignStudies in Slovene
The Art of MovementStudies in Slovene
TheologyStudies in Slovene
TourismStudies in Slovene
TrafficStudies in Slovene
UrbanismStudies in Slovene
Veterinary MedicineStudies in Slovene
Visual Communications DesignStudies in Slovene
Wood Science and TechnologyStudies in Slovene
World StudiesStudies in Slovene

Doctoral studiesmore »
Biomedicine Studies in Slovene
Environmental protection Studies in Slovene
Statistics Studies in Slovene
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